Hello bagel lovers!

Cinnamon Raisin + Blueberry = Cinnaberry! 🍇

After receiving a big thumbs up from my tasting panel (a.k.a. my sons), the Cinnaberry has earned its spot as Chef Mama’s Bagel Flavor of the Month! 🥯

Cinnamon Raisin + Blueberry

Cinnaberry Bagels

Order Cinnaberry Bagels

Cinnaberry bagels go extremely well toasted + smeared with cream cheese, and you is a hit for adults and kids alike. 👌

As with each and every one of my bagels, they will be baked NY-style for that special crunchy and chewy texture.

Order them on my bake days (listed below) before 9 AM and you’ll be able to pick them up the same day, and order before 8 PM the day before a bake day to be sent out for delivery to anywhere in Sweden the next day.

I hope you enjoy the Cinnaberry bagel! ✌️


Chef Mama